Now taking orders for Hand Painted Worship Flags and Banners!
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Creative Atmosphere

Our instruments of worship are created with the sole purpose to give Glory and Honor to our Father, King and Lord through creative Praise, and Worship!  


Each silk is created in an atmosphere of constant prayer, praise and worship.  Each Silk is prayed over as led by the Holy Spirit from the time we first receive the silk from our supplier to the time they are shipped to their new homes. 

Therefore, it is very important to us that each silk is consecrated and anointed with oil, and each recipient is covered in prayer- that ultimately they achieve a enriched higher level of worship in His presence, resulting in a closer relationship with Him. We also pray for those that witness the worshipper… that their hearts be transformed with a burning desire as they are ushered to be closer to Him and worship.


~I pray that as you move into a new and higher realm of worship you experience God's mighty loving presence in a new way- May you see breakthroughs and miracles, as well as blessings of wisdom, discernment, anointing, healing, provision and protection. May you take your appointed place as Warriors in the Army of El Gibbor and boldly raise and wield your flags for His Glory! -Margie



John 4:23-24
 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”







All the artwork, designs and content, including photographs on this website are protected by the US Copyright Laws and can not be copied, scanned, printed or utilized without having written permission from  Margarita Puckett © 2006-2021